Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Brand new year!

Well here we are in a brand new year already. 2008 was a crazy year for me. And I am sure that 2009 will be just as if not more crazy. Lets see.... 2009 started with tons and tons of snow. I guess that is what I get for moving out to the toolies. Anyway the family is doing good. Emily turned 15 that day after christmas. We had alot of fun, she wanted to do a "Kid Themed Party" So we went and bought gag gifts, party hats; everything was done in black and white because she originally wanted to do a cow theme but we couldn't find anything that cows on it. She wanted to play pin the tail on the cow, and of course they don't make that, it is pin the tail on the donkey. So Shelby drew a cow for her and boy oh boy did she do a great job.

here is a picture of it

Isn't it just the cutest cow you have ever seen.

Anyway after playing pin the tail on the cow, the kids played on the Wii that we got for christmas. We had a contest on the bowling part. After the bowling, we lost power for a couple of hours. That was oh so much fun........

So now here we are in 2009. Ava is growing like a week. She is crawling all over the place, no more military crawl, she is full on up on all fours moving like crazy. She is pulling herself up on things and trying to walk now. The girls have not gone back to school after christmas break yet because we are having problems with flash flooding and also the roofs of the schools have not been shoveled off, not to mention the roads are so icy. I can't beleive that Ava is going to be 1 in 2 months. Wow, how time flys by; can't beleive that in 1 month I will be married for 1 year already.

ok as promised here are some pics........

The three girls on one of our snow days from school.

Our back yard after the first snow fall.

Jeremy shoveling the roof after the first snow fall.
Christmas picture of my girls. Arent' they beautiful!!!

Hope you enjoyed that little snipped of her crawling.

We love you all and god bless!!!

1 comment:

April Betts said...

Denise- Your kids are beautiful. I am so glad we are able to get into touch again..How is your mom? Let me know how you are doing. is my email address.
